Item Coversheet

Item 10.a.



The Criminal Justice Funding Program supports projects that address needs of crime victims and help prevent or reduce crime by enhancing criminal justice efforts in the region. This is accomplished by providing community planning support and technical assistance for applicants desiring to fund projects that meet one or more of these objectives.

Current Situation 

For fiscal year 2023, applicants applied online to the Office of the Governor, Criminal Justice Division under Request for Application solicitations rather than directly through a specific fund source.


Criminal Justice Program funds programs that promote public safety, reduce crime and improve the criminal justice system.


Juvenile Justice and Truancy Prevention Program funds programs that prevent violence in and around school; and to improve the juvenile justice system by providing mental health services, truancy prevention and intervention through community-based and school programs.


General Victim Assistance Grant Program funding provides services and assistance directly to victims of crime to speed their recovery and aid them through the criminal justice process.


Violence Against Women Justice and Training Program funds programs that promote a coordinated, multi-disciplinary approach to improve the justice system’s response to violent crimes against women, including domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, and stalking.

Non-competing continuation applications are listed in the order established in previous priority rankings. Competing projects are listed in the order prioritized by score and eligibility for fiscal year 2023.


Once approved by the H-GAC Board of Directors, these applications compete at the state level for available funds. Awards made by Criminal Justice Division may deviate from the H-GAC recommendations to achieve statewide priorities.

Funding Source 

Office of the Governor, Criminal Justice Division



Action Requested 

Request approval of the Criminal Justice Advisory Committee priority ranking for fiscal year 2023 criminal justice funds and adoption of resolution to submit priority lists to the Office of Governor, Criminal Justice Division. (Staff Contact: Jackie Pontello)

Criminal Justice Priority List - Fiscal Year 2023Cover Memo